About Us

Korean Beauty Box was founded by Nancy Lee, her sister Sun Young, and husband Mark.  Here is our story.

After spending 15 years in the financial sector, Nancy transitioned into the Korean beauty and skin care space because of her sister, Sun Young.  Over the years - Sun Young, who still lives in Seoul, would send Nancy care packages containing hard-to-get items here in America.  Things she would send include Nancy's favorite seaweed, Korean crushed red pepper, individually portioned instant coffee packs with cream and sugar already inside, and cotton pajamas (Korean cotton is so much softer than cotton found here in the U.S.).  And you guessed it...  also included in her care packages were the most amazing Korean skin care products.

Nancy absolutely loved the results she got using the Korean beauty products Sun Young sent her.  They worked so much better on her skin than the western products widely used in the states.  Nancy would very carefully use the creams and serums she received, making them last as long as she could!  If she ran out, she knew it would be a couple weeks before Sun Young could send her some more.  And then the idea happened...  why don't we start a business making it easier for Americans to get beauty products from Korea?

Coincidentally, at about the same time Nancy was talking to Sun Young about her new idea, Nancy's husband Mark sold his e-commerce business.  Mark had experience selling things online so Nancy asked him to help build an e-commerce store selling Korean beauty products.  Happy wife, happy life, right?  So Nancy, Sun Young and Mark teamed up together and Korean Beauty Box was born.  Nancy and Sun Young would do market research, testing, source the products they liked best from suppliers, and get them to the U.S.  Mark would build and get traffic to the website.  He also learned a great deal about what a serum is.

We hope you enjoyed learning about us and how Korean Beauty Box came to be.

-Nancy, Sun Young and Mark